Coming soon
Simplifies insurance for you
  • Don't waste time with insurance; your AmiSure will take care of everything
  • It's the first 100% digital personal broker with AI safeguarding YOUR interests
  • Your AmiSure will tidy up your existing contracts and answer all your questions, so you can be reassured
  • Transparency
    Analyzing all your coverages and uncovered risks.

    Identifying potential pitfalls in your contracts.

    Providing a clear and comprehensive visualization of your coverages.
  • Clarity
    Simplification of your contracts to make insurance language easy to understand.

    A question-and-answer system to address all your inquiries regarding your contracts, giving you access to all the information you need.
  • Accessibility
    Finally, all your contracts are gathered in one easily accessible place, providing you with unprecedented visibility and control over your insurance.